Thursday, January 1, 2009

My New Year's Resolutions

It’s that time of year again: time for New Year’s resolutions. Sure, there is the clichéd I’m going to lose weight; I’m going to eat healthier; I’m going to clean out that closet; in short, I’m going to make SOME sort of change in my life so I can be happier. And sure, those are on my list. But I’m also going to try for some more. We all know that no one really keeps their resolutions past January (in some cases, past 12:01 on January 1st) but I’m going to REALLY try this year.

So strap in, strap out, or strap on, but here we go:

1. I’m going to text less. I text A LOT. Damn you Sprint for giving me unlimited texting for $2.50 a month. I rely on texting way too much. I’m going to make more calls. I hope people don’t ignore my calls…

2. I’m going to study more. While I remain proud of getting an A in a literature class while doing less than half of the required reading (can we say MAD writing skills?!), now that I’m getting into the upper division (read: harder) classes, I’ve got to buckle down. I can’t coast on my writing skills anymore, especially in Environmental Economics. Yikes.

3. I’m going to be less “scary”. But first someone needs to tell me exactly how and why I’m scary/intimidating. So I need some help with this one. I’m tired of people telling me that I’m scary and intimidating. Although, I’m not sure if I totally want to give that up. Maybe figuring out how to turn it on and off should be my resolution…

4. Going off the previous one: I’m going to make more of an effort and talk to people at church, activities, dances, whatever. I need to get to know more people.

5. I’m going to read my scriptures, improve church attendance, and (gasp) actually participate in Relief Society.

6. I’m going to move on. I’m not going to wait anymore – I can’t.

So there are my New Year’s resolutions. I don’t think they’re too difficult. I think I can do it. And I think I’ll be happier if I can do it. Because I’m not happy and I need to do something about it.

Oops. I just had Almond M&Ms for dinner… Can I have a redo??


1 comment:

Stacie Jo said...

fantastic resolutions!!!!!