With a name like Melodye, I suppose it was inevitable that I should wind up loving music. I collect music. I collect it like some people collect Hummel figurines, shot glasses, and the way my mom collects stamps. (yeah, my mom has a stamp collection. My brother, sister, and I all love to tease her about it.)
I love listening to the way the melodies (heh) and harmonies all weave together to form the music. I love a strong pounding bass line and drums. I love how music can instantly change your mood – how a fast song can make you feel like dancing, a hard heavy metal can make you feel like a rock star, and how slow piano music can instantly calm you down. I love feeling the texture of my favorite songs. (Yes, music has a texture. If you don’t get it, talk to me. I’ll educate you.)
I also love words. I enjoy finding a new word and rolling it around my mouth; getting used to and savoring the taste of it in my mouth like a piece of new and exotic chocolate. I like to use new words in my daily conversation and continue on my quest to find even more new words to fall in love with.
But I’m not so good with lyric interpretation. My appreciation of song lyrics mainly goes towards the arrangement of words. As a [wannabe] writer, I enjoy the way the words are combined and how the songwriter chose to put the words together. John Lennon, Noel Gallagher, Matthew Bellamy, and Brandon Flowers are some of my favorite songwriters because of the words they choose and how they’re arranged.
My appreciation also extends to the way the song makes me feel, the way the song makes me think, to the picture that is made in my head when I hear it. I enjoy the imagery that words produce in my mind.
Again, as a wannabe writer (of songs, books, articles, you name it), I wish my writing could compare to the writing of these three songs:
1. This is a recent discovery of mine, thanks to a good friend.
There's a shark shaped fin
In the water of my dreams
An alligator screams from the depths there
I'd swim with you there
I'd swim with you there, yeah yeah
In the house that I use
There's a psycho on the loose
He's playing with the fuse of a bomb there
I could live with you there
I could live with you there
Bye bye long day
I need to sleep so much
You shine on me
Too much is not enough
On the sheets and pillow case
In my bed for heaven's sake
The devil's dancing until late in my head there
But I could sleep with you there
I could sleep with you there
Fripp – Catherine Wheel
WOW! Holy CRAP do I love these lyrics. “There’s a shark shaped fin in the water of my dreams.” I’m not so hot with the symbolism but can’t you just picture a nightmare coming at you in those words? Can I just tell you how much I wish I’d written that??
2. John Lennon. Need I say more?
Living is easy with eyes closed
Misunderstanding all you see.
It’s getting hard to be someone.
But it all works out,
It doesn’t matter much to me.
Let me take you down,
‘Cos I’m going to Strawberry Fields.
Nothing is real
And nothing to get hungabout.
Strawberry Fields forever.
No one I think is in my tree,
I mean it must be high or low.
That is you can’t you know tune in.
But it’s all right.
That is I think it’s not too bad…
Strawberry Fields Forever – The Beatles
This is a John Lennon special; almost no help from Paul on this one (if any). I do get the symbolism in this one (thanks to my Beatles appreciation class at UNLV – most fun class ever!). I love how John is saying no one really gets him; he’s either so smart that no one can keep up with him, or so dumb that no one would bother trying to understand him. I also love the line about living is easy with your eyes closed and misunderstanding all you see. (Okay, we all know that I’m a major Beatles fan.)
3. From the album that inspired Sgt. Pepper…
I may not always love you
But long as there are stars above you
You never need to doubt it
I’ll make you so sure about it
God only knows what I’d be without you
If you should ever leave me
Though life would still go on believe me
The world could show nothing to me
So what good would living do me
God only knows what I’d be without you
God only knows what I’d be without you
If you should ever leave me
Well life would still go on believe me
The world could show nothing to me
So what good would living do me
God Only Knows – The Beach Boys
Yes, the same Boys who brought you Surfin’ USA and Fun, Fun, Fun. I truly love this song. The pure emotion in this song brought tears to my eyes the first time I heard it. The speaker in the song is unabashed and unashamed to demonstrate the love he/she has for their significant other. (I’m being politically correct here. How am I doing?) Brian Wilson (the Beach Boy who authored the song) is a genius. ‘Nuff said.
There are many songs that I wish I could have written: these are but a few. I don't wish I had written these songs for the monetary rewards (though that would be welcome), but for the level of depth and emotion that are conveyed through the arrangement of commonplace words. None of the words used in these songs are particularly fancy or difficult – but because of the context and feeling behind the placement, the words have become more meaningful.
Rock on. (but really listen to the lyrics too.)
**These lyrics were NOT used with permission from their respective writers/estates, however: I lay no claim to these wonderful songs and hope that all who read this humble article will take my use in the spirit that it is intended.
Tuesday, January 27, 2009
Thursday, January 22, 2009
In which I shamelessly beg for your help
I've made it an unofficial policy of mine not to use this blog in a shameless manner. I don’t think anyone really wants to read about my political beliefs. But I’m going to take this time to ask for your help.
Nevada education is in serious trouble. Due to the current state of the economy, the governor is proposing massive cuts in education to help balance the state's budget. These proposed cuts would cause massive tuition increases, layoffs of teachers and staff, fewer available classes, and elimination of degree programs. These proposed cuts not only endanger higher education in Nevada, but also elementary and secondary education. Again, that means much less money for teachers, increased class sizes, and other catastrophic changes. Schools are still reeling from budget cuts in 2007.
I, and so many of my friends here, attend Nevada colleges - I attend University of Nevada, Las Vegas and am majoring in Economics. I know a lot of teachers in the Clark County School District – many of them are my friends, too. My friends’ jobs are in danger because of the governor’s “solution” to Nevada’s budget problems. Some of my friends’ degree programs are first on the chopping block. My major is in danger, as well (which really doesn’t make sense. We need MORE economists now than ever!)
You Nevada residents who aren’t in college or don’t have any kids in school can’t afford to be complacent. Example: one dollar that the state puts into UNLV generates $4.50 in the local economy. That’s not counting the College of Southern Nevada or Nevada State College. That’s not including University of Nevada, Reno. That’s not including the community colleges in the smaller towns throughout the rest of the state. There is real economic growth in danger, if these budget cuts are passed.
Nevada is 49th in the nation in education. Nevada has one of the highest drop-out rates. Why, then, is the governor taking AWAY from education? Shouldn’t he be putting more INTO education? If it were me, I’d be embarrassed to be the governor of a state with such terrible statistics. These budget cuts are making Nevada education worth even less than it already is.
In a few short years, my niece and nephew will be attending Nevada schools. Some of you may have children that already attend these schools. Some of you may be alumni of Nevada schools. Do you want your children to attend schools that have been chipped away at until there is nothing left? Do you want your Nevada college degree to be worthless?
I’m urging you – no, I’m begging you. Please go to www.savenevadastudents.org and send the form letter to both your Assembly and Senate representatives. It does not take very long to do and there is a link to help you locate your representatives, if you don’t know who they are. I know that I have readers – please don’t count on someone else to make a stand. Stand with the rest of us.
These budget cuts should not, must not, and cannot happen. And with your help, I have faith that they will not happen.
To my faithful readers – don’t worry. The hilarity, wacky, and zany posts will resume soon.
Nevada education is in serious trouble. Due to the current state of the economy, the governor is proposing massive cuts in education to help balance the state's budget. These proposed cuts would cause massive tuition increases, layoffs of teachers and staff, fewer available classes, and elimination of degree programs. These proposed cuts not only endanger higher education in Nevada, but also elementary and secondary education. Again, that means much less money for teachers, increased class sizes, and other catastrophic changes. Schools are still reeling from budget cuts in 2007.
I, and so many of my friends here, attend Nevada colleges - I attend University of Nevada, Las Vegas and am majoring in Economics. I know a lot of teachers in the Clark County School District – many of them are my friends, too. My friends’ jobs are in danger because of the governor’s “solution” to Nevada’s budget problems. Some of my friends’ degree programs are first on the chopping block. My major is in danger, as well (which really doesn’t make sense. We need MORE economists now than ever!)
You Nevada residents who aren’t in college or don’t have any kids in school can’t afford to be complacent. Example: one dollar that the state puts into UNLV generates $4.50 in the local economy. That’s not counting the College of Southern Nevada or Nevada State College. That’s not including University of Nevada, Reno. That’s not including the community colleges in the smaller towns throughout the rest of the state. There is real economic growth in danger, if these budget cuts are passed.
Nevada is 49th in the nation in education. Nevada has one of the highest drop-out rates. Why, then, is the governor taking AWAY from education? Shouldn’t he be putting more INTO education? If it were me, I’d be embarrassed to be the governor of a state with such terrible statistics. These budget cuts are making Nevada education worth even less than it already is.
In a few short years, my niece and nephew will be attending Nevada schools. Some of you may have children that already attend these schools. Some of you may be alumni of Nevada schools. Do you want your children to attend schools that have been chipped away at until there is nothing left? Do you want your Nevada college degree to be worthless?
I’m urging you – no, I’m begging you. Please go to www.savenevadastudents.org and send the form letter to both your Assembly and Senate representatives. It does not take very long to do and there is a link to help you locate your representatives, if you don’t know who they are. I know that I have readers – please don’t count on someone else to make a stand. Stand with the rest of us.
These budget cuts should not, must not, and cannot happen. And with your help, I have faith that they will not happen.
To my faithful readers – don’t worry. The hilarity, wacky, and zany posts will resume soon.
Friday, January 16, 2009
Some original poetry...
What with starting classes this week, buying some new SUPER FUN toys, and dealing with the evil bitch flu from hell, I haven't had time to write anything funny, insightful, or enlightening. Hopefully you will all forgive me, especially with this offering.
I wrote this for my Western Lit class last semester and (of course) got a resounding A+++ on it. A little background: I had to do a research paper on Candide by Voltaire. I, being the notorious procrastinator that I am, left most of it until the last minute (being November 4th, as it was due November 5th.) (I also got a resounding A+++ on that paper as well. Mad writing skills, yall.)
The Server
Once upon a weeknight weary, while I surfed the web, oh nearly
did I find what I was searching for.
While the mouse clicked, quickly I picked
something that might maybe fit, fit what I was searching for.
One more reference is what I was searching for,
this I needed and nothing more.
Oh how dreary that November; blocked it out, but I remember
the paper I was researching for.
How I wished I’d started sooner and not gone to see that crooner,
but I was up with the lunar, lunar part of November four.
It seemed I’d been up for forever on that long dark day of four,
trying to find what I was searching for.
Suddenly a link looked right, and though the monitor was bright,
I double-clicked to load the page I’d been searching all night for.
Eagerly I sat there waiting, excitedly anticipating,
but at the same time I was hating, hating what I was looking for.
When the page stopped: not what I’d been searching for,
quoth the server, 404.
“What?” said I, refreshing, “network timeout, I am guessing.
It must be here, the site I’m searching for.”
Faster then my heart was beating, faster still the mouse was speeding,
almost crying I was pleading, pleading with the gods of yore.
Let it be there, let me find this page I’m searching for:
said the server, 404.
“There’s no way this link is broken,” in disbelief this phrase was spoken,
“This error message is mistaken; keep from me that 404.”
Quietly the laptop hummed, loudly then my heartbeat drummed.
Steadily I grew more bummed, bummed more than I was before.
“Please!” I cried, “I need some more of Voltaire’s lore!”
Still the server: 404.
“You wretched thing!” I swore, “with this bad news that you bring,
now show the page I’m searching for!”
Then my eyes, they started stinging, as the pop-up kept on pinging.
Without mercy it was ringing, ringing for this page no more.
One more time, I tried the page, hopeless to my very core –
mocked the server: 404.
This so ends my tale of woe, lovingly ripped off from Edgar Poe,
I never found the page my search was for.
And now my sadness has turned to madness,
wrought upon me by mere gladness, gladness from that 404.
Now I hide inside my room, locked behind a heavy door,
here I stay, forever more.
(If you didn't figure it out, it's a parody of Edgar Allen Poe's "The Raven". )
**I'd like to thank Edgar Allen Poe for his unauthorized, unwitting, and I'm sure, unwanted use and unholy butchering of his masterpiece. Thanks Ed!
I wrote this for my Western Lit class last semester and (of course) got a resounding A+++ on it. A little background: I had to do a research paper on Candide by Voltaire. I, being the notorious procrastinator that I am, left most of it until the last minute (being November 4th, as it was due November 5th.) (I also got a resounding A+++ on that paper as well. Mad writing skills, yall.)
The Server
Once upon a weeknight weary, while I surfed the web, oh nearly
did I find what I was searching for.
While the mouse clicked, quickly I picked
something that might maybe fit, fit what I was searching for.
One more reference is what I was searching for,
this I needed and nothing more.
Oh how dreary that November; blocked it out, but I remember
the paper I was researching for.
How I wished I’d started sooner and not gone to see that crooner,
but I was up with the lunar, lunar part of November four.
It seemed I’d been up for forever on that long dark day of four,
trying to find what I was searching for.
Suddenly a link looked right, and though the monitor was bright,
I double-clicked to load the page I’d been searching all night for.
Eagerly I sat there waiting, excitedly anticipating,
but at the same time I was hating, hating what I was looking for.
When the page stopped: not what I’d been searching for,
quoth the server, 404.
“What?” said I, refreshing, “network timeout, I am guessing.
It must be here, the site I’m searching for.”
Faster then my heart was beating, faster still the mouse was speeding,
almost crying I was pleading, pleading with the gods of yore.
Let it be there, let me find this page I’m searching for:
said the server, 404.
“There’s no way this link is broken,” in disbelief this phrase was spoken,
“This error message is mistaken; keep from me that 404.”
Quietly the laptop hummed, loudly then my heartbeat drummed.
Steadily I grew more bummed, bummed more than I was before.
“Please!” I cried, “I need some more of Voltaire’s lore!”
Still the server: 404.
“You wretched thing!” I swore, “with this bad news that you bring,
now show the page I’m searching for!”
Then my eyes, they started stinging, as the pop-up kept on pinging.
Without mercy it was ringing, ringing for this page no more.
One more time, I tried the page, hopeless to my very core –
mocked the server: 404.
This so ends my tale of woe, lovingly ripped off from Edgar Poe,
I never found the page my search was for.
And now my sadness has turned to madness,
wrought upon me by mere gladness, gladness from that 404.
Now I hide inside my room, locked behind a heavy door,
here I stay, forever more.
(If you didn't figure it out, it's a parody of Edgar Allen Poe's "The Raven". )
**I'd like to thank Edgar Allen Poe for his unauthorized, unwitting, and I'm sure, unwanted use and unholy butchering of his masterpiece. Thanks Ed!
Tuesday, January 13, 2009
I have a terrible secret...
I have a terrible, shameful secret to confess to y’all. This is so much worse than when I confessed to my addiction to Guitar Hero; much worse than my desire to have one of my future offspring be able to belch the entire alphabet in one go; and a little bit worse than my continuing to play late 90s boy band music.
I am so embarrassed to admit this, I don’t even know if I can. People will want to lock me up away because clearly, I have lost my mind. Ohhhhh am I going to be able to do this? Just do it, Melodye. Do it quickly like ripping off a band-aid. Here goes:
I really want the Richard Simmons: Sweating to the Oldies DVD set.
I know, I know! I’m sick! I’m INSANE, even. What sane person wants to see those candy-striped short shorts bouncing up and down? What NORMAL person voluntarily pays money to see a grown man in bedazzled tank tops yelling out: “Say farewell to fat!”
But the Time Life commercial for the DVD set looked so fun. I’m tired of my boring work-out – I want to have fun when I’m getting all sweaty. And I really LIKE oldies! “I’m So Excited” by the Pointer Sisters? Classic! Who wouldn’t want to sweat to that?!
And you know what? Richard Simmons really cares about those fat ladies behind him sweating to the oldies. That’s nice of him.
This is a really short post, but I’m kind of ashamed of myself. I think I’ll go put on Carmen Electra’s Strip-Aerobics, just so I can get my self-respect back.

Clearly, I DESERVE to be locked away, but I can’t help it.
I am so embarrassed to admit this, I don’t even know if I can. People will want to lock me up away because clearly, I have lost my mind. Ohhhhh am I going to be able to do this? Just do it, Melodye. Do it quickly like ripping off a band-aid. Here goes:
I really want the Richard Simmons: Sweating to the Oldies DVD set.
I know, I know! I’m sick! I’m INSANE, even. What sane person wants to see those candy-striped short shorts bouncing up and down? What NORMAL person voluntarily pays money to see a grown man in bedazzled tank tops yelling out: “Say farewell to fat!”
But the Time Life commercial for the DVD set looked so fun. I’m tired of my boring work-out – I want to have fun when I’m getting all sweaty. And I really LIKE oldies! “I’m So Excited” by the Pointer Sisters? Classic! Who wouldn’t want to sweat to that?!
And you know what? Richard Simmons really cares about those fat ladies behind him sweating to the oldies. That’s nice of him.
This is a really short post, but I’m kind of ashamed of myself. I think I’ll go put on Carmen Electra’s Strip-Aerobics, just so I can get my self-respect back.

Clearly, I DESERVE to be locked away, but I can’t help it.
Friday, January 9, 2009
What I'm Listening To...
I love music. I listen to music constantly and if I don’t have some form of music playing, I get a little antsy. I have been known to listen to the ring tones on my cell phone when desperate. That being said, here are ten songs that I currently can’t get enough of. In no particular order, here we go:
“Seemed Like the Thing to Do” by Dinosaur Jr.
Dinosaur Jr. is one of my more recent “discoveries” thanks to Guitar Hero. (I’m not ashamed to admit it) I'm a little late "discovering" them as they've been around for a while, but I already love them. Their song “Feel the Pain” is featured on Guitar Hero: World Tour and Rock Band 2, and while I do love that song; it’s this offering from the same 1994 album, Without a Sound, which I’m really digging.
“I Wish” by Skee-Lo
Released in 1995 and the title track of his first album, Skee-Lo raps about how he wishes he was just a little bit taller. I love doing my signature lame dance moves to this song, even when I’m rocking out in my office and my coworkers can see me.
“Pretend That You’re All Alone” by Keane
This is on Keane’s 2008 album, Perfect Symmetry. This is fun because it's got an awesome beat and a nice peppy sound. I like to play this when I’m in my office. It's perfect for when I'm ready to go off on someone because it calms me down and gets my head boppin'.
“Promise” by Eve 6
On the same 2000 album, Horrorscope, as the better known “Here’s to the Night”, but still a hit in its own right, “Promise” is a fun song to listen to.
“Best I Ever Had (Grey Sky Morning)” by Vertical Horizon
This appeared on the 1999 Everything You Want album, but was not released as a single until 2001. I LOVE this song. It’s not technically a love song, but a good reflection on love lost. I seriously can’t get enough of this song. I play it ALL THE TIME.
“Human” by The Killers
A super-fun dance track from The Killers’ 2008 album, Day & Age, this song rocks my world. I’m pleased to say that I have this single on a 45 rpm which is on WHITE vinyl. Totally cool!
“Starlight” by Muse
You didn’t think I could do a list of songs I love without mentioning Muse, did you? Silly reader. I love me some Muse! “Starlight” is from Muse’s 2006 album Black Holes & Revelations and is one of my absolute favorite songs by this band. Even though it’s a total larynx-shredder (mad props to Matthew Bellamy for being able to rock this), I love belting it out in my car. I am proud to say that I have this song on a 45 rpm as well (limited edition picture record: Yay me!)
“Knockin’ on Heaven’s Door” by Guns’N’Roses
This Bob Dylan cover appeared on the 1991 album Use Your Illusion II, after being a regular in GNR’s live shows. “Knockin’” is a rare song about dying that doesn’t sound morbid. I can listen to this song over and over again without getting depressed, thanks to Axel Rose’s singing.
“Incredulous Love” by Demophon
As of now, this song is unreleased. Demophon is a band that is made up of a good friend of mine. This song is on his Myspace music page and I simply can’t get enough of it. The only thing preventing me from rocking out to it more is that it’s currently limited to the music page, however; I have been PROMISED a CD of completed tracks. I highly recommend you go to the website and have a listen to “Incredulous Love” as well as the other tracks. www.myspace.com/demophonmusic
“If You Seek Amy” by Britney Spears
This one is the upcoming third single from the 2008 album, Circus. This seems like it could be innocuous, however, once you listen to the lyrics, Britney is actually being pretty naughty. I’m actually surprised that this one is the third single – I would have thought the censors wouldn’t have let this through. This is one of my favorite tracks from Britney’s second comeback album and it totally rocks. “Amy” is another song I like to goof off and dance to in my office. (My poor co-workers.)
This list isn’t all-inclusive – I’ve got a ton of songs that I’m loving right now. These are just top on my list. If you don’t like them, too bad. It’s my blog. :D
I just noticed that there are a lot of power ballads on this list. What can I say? They rock.
**Update 1/12:
I seem to have left these off of my list. MY BAD.
“Pony (It’s Okay)” by Erin McCarley
One of my co-workers told me about this song last week. I downloaded it from iTunes and have not been able to stop playing it since. Just because I neglected to include this song in no way diminishes my total infatuation. Check out her late 2008 debut album Love, Save the Empty. She sounds like Sara Bareilles - which, while I'm not a fan of Sara, is apparently not a bad thing.
"Mansard Roof" by Vampire Weekend
I really don't know how I neglected Vampire Weekend. If I was Catholic, I'd go to Confession. "Roof" is an AWESOME song. Vampire Weekend is an eclectic mix of African pop and Western classical music and the resulting sound kicks MAJOR bootay. "Roof" is from VW's eponymous first album, released early 2008. If you haven't picked it up, DO IT.
"Exit Music (For a Film)" by Radiohead
"Exit Music" plays at the end (fittingly) of Baz Luhrman's Romeo and Juliet and is amay-zuh-zing. While not on any of the R&J soundtracks, "Exit Music" shows up on Radiohead's 1997 album OK Computer. This song is dark and brooding and I love it.
"Talk Tonight" by Oasis
This 1995 song was a B-side to another favorite song, "Some Might Say" and was included on the B-side compilation album, The Masterplan, released in 1998. "Talk" was written during a tough time in Oasis' history (there's a shock) and is basically about how someone talked Noel Gallagher out of jumping off the ledge. It seems like it would be a bit dark, but "Talk" is so heartfelt and open, it's not too depressing.
Last but not least:
"Sunday Morning Call" by Oasis
"Sunday" is one of my absolute favorite songs. Out of all the songs that are on my favorites list, this one is high up there. I'm very pleased to say that I have this song on a 12-inch single (vinyl, for you un-initiated) The only down part of my acquisition: the single has NEVER been opened. I CAN'T open it. I just can't. So I have to just look at it. But it's okay. "Sunday" is from the 2000 album Standing on the Shoulder of Giants, which sadly, was critically panned. But do I care? NOOOOOO! (Oasis is one of my favorite bands ever, so don't be so shocked they show up here twice.)
I considered just waiting to do another what I'm listening to post, but didn't know when that would be. So ergo, the update. Don't get pissy. :D
“Seemed Like the Thing to Do” by Dinosaur Jr.
Dinosaur Jr. is one of my more recent “discoveries” thanks to Guitar Hero. (I’m not ashamed to admit it) I'm a little late "discovering" them as they've been around for a while, but I already love them. Their song “Feel the Pain” is featured on Guitar Hero: World Tour and Rock Band 2, and while I do love that song; it’s this offering from the same 1994 album, Without a Sound, which I’m really digging.
“I Wish” by Skee-Lo
Released in 1995 and the title track of his first album, Skee-Lo raps about how he wishes he was just a little bit taller. I love doing my signature lame dance moves to this song, even when I’m rocking out in my office and my coworkers can see me.
“Pretend That You’re All Alone” by Keane
This is on Keane’s 2008 album, Perfect Symmetry. This is fun because it's got an awesome beat and a nice peppy sound. I like to play this when I’m in my office. It's perfect for when I'm ready to go off on someone because it calms me down and gets my head boppin'.
“Promise” by Eve 6
On the same 2000 album, Horrorscope, as the better known “Here’s to the Night”, but still a hit in its own right, “Promise” is a fun song to listen to.
“Best I Ever Had (Grey Sky Morning)” by Vertical Horizon
This appeared on the 1999 Everything You Want album, but was not released as a single until 2001. I LOVE this song. It’s not technically a love song, but a good reflection on love lost. I seriously can’t get enough of this song. I play it ALL THE TIME.
“Human” by The Killers
A super-fun dance track from The Killers’ 2008 album, Day & Age, this song rocks my world. I’m pleased to say that I have this single on a 45 rpm which is on WHITE vinyl. Totally cool!
“Starlight” by Muse
You didn’t think I could do a list of songs I love without mentioning Muse, did you? Silly reader. I love me some Muse! “Starlight” is from Muse’s 2006 album Black Holes & Revelations and is one of my absolute favorite songs by this band. Even though it’s a total larynx-shredder (mad props to Matthew Bellamy for being able to rock this), I love belting it out in my car. I am proud to say that I have this song on a 45 rpm as well (limited edition picture record: Yay me!)
“Knockin’ on Heaven’s Door” by Guns’N’Roses
This Bob Dylan cover appeared on the 1991 album Use Your Illusion II, after being a regular in GNR’s live shows. “Knockin’” is a rare song about dying that doesn’t sound morbid. I can listen to this song over and over again without getting depressed, thanks to Axel Rose’s singing.
“Incredulous Love” by Demophon
As of now, this song is unreleased. Demophon is a band that is made up of a good friend of mine. This song is on his Myspace music page and I simply can’t get enough of it. The only thing preventing me from rocking out to it more is that it’s currently limited to the music page, however; I have been PROMISED a CD of completed tracks. I highly recommend you go to the website and have a listen to “Incredulous Love” as well as the other tracks. www.myspace.com/demophonmusic
“If You Seek Amy” by Britney Spears
This one is the upcoming third single from the 2008 album, Circus. This seems like it could be innocuous, however, once you listen to the lyrics, Britney is actually being pretty naughty. I’m actually surprised that this one is the third single – I would have thought the censors wouldn’t have let this through. This is one of my favorite tracks from Britney’s second comeback album and it totally rocks. “Amy” is another song I like to goof off and dance to in my office. (My poor co-workers.)
This list isn’t all-inclusive – I’ve got a ton of songs that I’m loving right now. These are just top on my list. If you don’t like them, too bad. It’s my blog. :D
I just noticed that there are a lot of power ballads on this list. What can I say? They rock.
**Update 1/12:
I seem to have left these off of my list. MY BAD.
“Pony (It’s Okay)” by Erin McCarley
One of my co-workers told me about this song last week. I downloaded it from iTunes and have not been able to stop playing it since. Just because I neglected to include this song in no way diminishes my total infatuation. Check out her late 2008 debut album Love, Save the Empty. She sounds like Sara Bareilles - which, while I'm not a fan of Sara, is apparently not a bad thing.
"Mansard Roof" by Vampire Weekend
I really don't know how I neglected Vampire Weekend. If I was Catholic, I'd go to Confession. "Roof" is an AWESOME song. Vampire Weekend is an eclectic mix of African pop and Western classical music and the resulting sound kicks MAJOR bootay. "Roof" is from VW's eponymous first album, released early 2008. If you haven't picked it up, DO IT.
"Exit Music (For a Film)" by Radiohead
"Exit Music" plays at the end (fittingly) of Baz Luhrman's Romeo and Juliet and is amay-zuh-zing. While not on any of the R&J soundtracks, "Exit Music" shows up on Radiohead's 1997 album OK Computer. This song is dark and brooding and I love it.
"Talk Tonight" by Oasis
This 1995 song was a B-side to another favorite song, "Some Might Say" and was included on the B-side compilation album, The Masterplan, released in 1998. "Talk" was written during a tough time in Oasis' history (there's a shock) and is basically about how someone talked Noel Gallagher out of jumping off the ledge. It seems like it would be a bit dark, but "Talk" is so heartfelt and open, it's not too depressing.
Last but not least:
"Sunday Morning Call" by Oasis
"Sunday" is one of my absolute favorite songs. Out of all the songs that are on my favorites list, this one is high up there. I'm very pleased to say that I have this song on a 12-inch single (vinyl, for you un-initiated) The only down part of my acquisition: the single has NEVER been opened. I CAN'T open it. I just can't. So I have to just look at it. But it's okay. "Sunday" is from the 2000 album Standing on the Shoulder of Giants, which sadly, was critically panned. But do I care? NOOOOOO! (Oasis is one of my favorite bands ever, so don't be so shocked they show up here twice.)
I considered just waiting to do another what I'm listening to post, but didn't know when that would be. So ergo, the update. Don't get pissy. :D
Wednesday, January 7, 2009
Dating 101
Dating is supposed to be fun, right? Dinner and a movie; bowling; a sporting event; miniature golf; concerts; what’s not fun about those activities? The basic idea is for you get to know someone and decide if you want to spend more time with that person, and if not, hopefully you had a good time and made a friend. If you didn’t have a good time and make a new friend, well then, I’m sorry for you. Now you know what you don’t like.
But when you’re dating, you constantly wonder where you stand. Now women, we usually dissect and discuss our most recent dates ad nauseum. We go over every look, touch, gesture, and voice inflection until the date has been pulled into pieces, and we get EVERYONE's opinions. The questions “Does he like me? Is he going to call me today? What did he mean when he said…?” are repeated over and over with no real satisfying answer. (Or until our girlfriends get sick of the subject and start saying “Just ASK HIM what that meant!”)
Men are pretty straightforward. If they like you, they call. To quote an upcoming movie: If he’s not calling you, not sleeping with you, not marrying you, then he’s JUST NOT INTO YOU. Men pretty much know what they want. And that is fantastic.
But what about those few and far between guys who don’t seem to know what they want? What about those guys who send mixed signals? What about those guys that seem genuinely interested but then sporadically call you? Why does the chase seem to be all that some men want? What is so fulfilling about the chase?? If you’re LDS, as I am, the CHASE doesn’t get you anything! Hello! The CATCH does! Remember how much more fun playing Tag was when you caught the person???
Don’t worry, men. I’m not just going to bag on you in this. It’s not like women are open books. I should know. I am one, so I know all of our tricks and have made good use of them. I know how to make full use of the sidelong glance, the slow smile…and what we REALLY mean when we say we’re “fine”. (“Fine” is NEVER good, for those men who haven’t been the recipient of one of those “what women really mean” e-mails. You don’t want to hear a woman say she’s “fine” because she’s not.)
See, we women are pretty wily. We’ll act like we’re innocent, all wide eyes and blushes, but we know what we’re doing. We know how to make you want us and if we don’t want you, then we know how to make you NOT want us. Ever seen “How to Lose a Guy in Ten Days”? There’s some truth to that movie. Women are confusing and yeah, sometimes we play games. But hey, men: SO DO YOU.
I’ve gotten some flak for not accepting every date offer I’ve gotten. Some people have said, if a guy has the balls to ask you out, he deserves a date. Maybe that’s true. But I figure, why should I waste some poor guy’s time and money when I know that I’m not going to want to go on that second date? And who wants to go on a pity date??
So I let guys down nice and easy, because I’ve been declined before myself and I have been the pity date. It sucks. But I don’t let the guy think that he has a chance when he doesn’t. So guys: don’t lead us on and make us think we have a shot when we don’t. That sucks, too.
Ahhhh, dating.
So you go out on the first date and you have a good time. Then when you do go out with someone on that second date, then third, fourth, and so on, it’s practically the equivalent of another Geneva Convention when determining if you’re “official” or not. Witnesses must be called, boundary lines drawn, and neutral territories established. Defining the Relationship talks can be unpleasant because that’s when one or both parties reveal just how COMMITTED they are. It’s pretty hard to find out that you are more into the other person than they are into you.
If you’ve gotten past the DTR stage and came out with a significant other, it’s not like you can rest on your laurels. Oh no. You have to worry about ANNIVERSARIES. Lucky for whomever I date, I am not one of those girls who celebrate how many weeks it’s been since we first held hands, kissed, or wore the same color shirts by accident and thus proving how perfect for each other we are. (To be honest, I can barely remember what days that kind of stuff happens, let alone remember to celebrate it!)
Don’t take my rant the wrong way. Dating can be a ton of fun. I am very into dating. I wish I did more of it. Wooo! Go dating! It’s nice having a significant other. It’s awesome having someone who wants to be seen in public with you, who will hold your hand while walking down the street, and who wants to make out with you more than once. (WOOO! Making out! Yeah!)
But being the Crazy Cat Lady is becoming more and more of an attractive, and let’s face it; inevitable, alternative to dating these days. With cats, you never have to worry about where you stand. It’s simple: they’re the boss. You’re the bringer of food, the lap provider, and ear scratcher. A DTR is not necessary. Really, any talking is not necessary with a cat. Cats actually prefer that you don’t talk to them. They already know they own you.
I guess what I’m really trying to say here is that regardless of what gender you are (or prefer), the Golden Rule should really apply to dating (as well as everything else.) If you don’t want to be jerked around, then don’t jerk other people around. If you want someone to treat you with respect, then you need to treat them with respect. If you don't want someone to play games with you, well maybe you need to re-evaluate and see if you're the one playing games. Are you picking up what I’m putting down? Is the sprinkler hitting the grass? Do you see how this works?
Don’t say you’re playing Tag if all you’re doing is running.
Peace, love, and much chocolate to all.
But when you’re dating, you constantly wonder where you stand. Now women, we usually dissect and discuss our most recent dates ad nauseum. We go over every look, touch, gesture, and voice inflection until the date has been pulled into pieces, and we get EVERYONE's opinions. The questions “Does he like me? Is he going to call me today? What did he mean when he said…?” are repeated over and over with no real satisfying answer. (Or until our girlfriends get sick of the subject and start saying “Just ASK HIM what that meant!”)
Men are pretty straightforward. If they like you, they call. To quote an upcoming movie: If he’s not calling you, not sleeping with you, not marrying you, then he’s JUST NOT INTO YOU. Men pretty much know what they want. And that is fantastic.
But what about those few and far between guys who don’t seem to know what they want? What about those guys who send mixed signals? What about those guys that seem genuinely interested but then sporadically call you? Why does the chase seem to be all that some men want? What is so fulfilling about the chase?? If you’re LDS, as I am, the CHASE doesn’t get you anything! Hello! The CATCH does! Remember how much more fun playing Tag was when you caught the person???
Don’t worry, men. I’m not just going to bag on you in this. It’s not like women are open books. I should know. I am one, so I know all of our tricks and have made good use of them. I know how to make full use of the sidelong glance, the slow smile…and what we REALLY mean when we say we’re “fine”. (“Fine” is NEVER good, for those men who haven’t been the recipient of one of those “what women really mean” e-mails. You don’t want to hear a woman say she’s “fine” because she’s not.)
See, we women are pretty wily. We’ll act like we’re innocent, all wide eyes and blushes, but we know what we’re doing. We know how to make you want us and if we don’t want you, then we know how to make you NOT want us. Ever seen “How to Lose a Guy in Ten Days”? There’s some truth to that movie. Women are confusing and yeah, sometimes we play games. But hey, men: SO DO YOU.
I’ve gotten some flak for not accepting every date offer I’ve gotten. Some people have said, if a guy has the balls to ask you out, he deserves a date. Maybe that’s true. But I figure, why should I waste some poor guy’s time and money when I know that I’m not going to want to go on that second date? And who wants to go on a pity date??
So I let guys down nice and easy, because I’ve been declined before myself and I have been the pity date. It sucks. But I don’t let the guy think that he has a chance when he doesn’t. So guys: don’t lead us on and make us think we have a shot when we don’t. That sucks, too.
Ahhhh, dating.
So you go out on the first date and you have a good time. Then when you do go out with someone on that second date, then third, fourth, and so on, it’s practically the equivalent of another Geneva Convention when determining if you’re “official” or not. Witnesses must be called, boundary lines drawn, and neutral territories established. Defining the Relationship talks can be unpleasant because that’s when one or both parties reveal just how COMMITTED they are. It’s pretty hard to find out that you are more into the other person than they are into you.
If you’ve gotten past the DTR stage and came out with a significant other, it’s not like you can rest on your laurels. Oh no. You have to worry about ANNIVERSARIES. Lucky for whomever I date, I am not one of those girls who celebrate how many weeks it’s been since we first held hands, kissed, or wore the same color shirts by accident and thus proving how perfect for each other we are. (To be honest, I can barely remember what days that kind of stuff happens, let alone remember to celebrate it!)
Don’t take my rant the wrong way. Dating can be a ton of fun. I am very into dating. I wish I did more of it. Wooo! Go dating! It’s nice having a significant other. It’s awesome having someone who wants to be seen in public with you, who will hold your hand while walking down the street, and who wants to make out with you more than once. (WOOO! Making out! Yeah!)
But being the Crazy Cat Lady is becoming more and more of an attractive, and let’s face it; inevitable, alternative to dating these days. With cats, you never have to worry about where you stand. It’s simple: they’re the boss. You’re the bringer of food, the lap provider, and ear scratcher. A DTR is not necessary. Really, any talking is not necessary with a cat. Cats actually prefer that you don’t talk to them. They already know they own you.
I guess what I’m really trying to say here is that regardless of what gender you are (or prefer), the Golden Rule should really apply to dating (as well as everything else.) If you don’t want to be jerked around, then don’t jerk other people around. If you want someone to treat you with respect, then you need to treat them with respect. If you don't want someone to play games with you, well maybe you need to re-evaluate and see if you're the one playing games. Are you picking up what I’m putting down? Is the sprinkler hitting the grass? Do you see how this works?
Don’t say you’re playing Tag if all you’re doing is running.
Peace, love, and much chocolate to all.

I guess I should start working on my slovenly appearance and talking in gibberish...
Sunday, January 4, 2009
My cats are jealous of my laptop
Yes, you read that right. The cats are jealous of the laptop.
They think they are the rightful occupants of my lap, not that thing which is clearly not a cat. One of them in particular, (we’ll call him “Fluffy” to protect the not-so-innocent) perceives my keystrokes as petting and chin scratching of which he should be receiving. Whenever I am working on my laptop, Fluffy sits next to my chair and glares balefully at the intruder of his space (as he is literally doing right now as I write this).
Fluffy has attempted to camp out on my lap even when I’m using my computer, but as we know, two objects cannot occupy the same space at one time, and he gets unceremoniously shoved onto the floor. I’ve reminded him that in this house, we obey the laws of physics, but he’s a cat. He doesn’t care.
Holstein—oops, I mean Fluffy just hissed at the laptop. It’s not the first time. The laptop is unperturbed when he does this.
Fluffy glares with a vengeance, though. You can just see the feline vitriol shooting through his gaze and if looks could kill, the laptop would have a virus. (Then I imagine that my cat would assume a smug look worthy of Jeff Goldblum and manage to think the words “The package has been delivered.” Then maybe that non-feline metal bastard would care.)
Fluffy’s brother, “Stupid” (name changed to protect the…well, stupid) does not share as much of his brother’s antipathy towards the metal lap-stealer. Stupid sits and yowls for a minute, then does the feline equivalent of shrugging and wanders over to the food bowl.
You would think that Stupid would bear the brunt of Fluffy’s familial attacks, but I don’t call them the Brothers Dim for nothing. Stupid is spared Fluffy attacks and the laptop is mercilessly glared at and taunted. (“Your mother was a hamster and your father smelt of elderberries!”)
I have considered doing what any frazzled mother who is tired of fighting children does: forcing Fluffy, Stupid, and my computer to hug and yell at them “You are all going to LOVE each other!”
Don’t worry, I haven’t done that. The cats would just glare at me and the computer doesn’t have arms with which to hug.
I have an older brother and a younger sister so I am no stranger to sibling fighting. It’s a part of life when you have siblings – knuckle punches, Hertz donuts, Smurf bites, Indian burns, the dreaded Rear Admiral, tattling, ganging up on each other, you name it. But you grow out of it, hopefully none the worse for the wear, and with a healthy respect for your older sibling – who now that he is a COP, has a whole new arsenal of weapons to potentially use against me.
That being said, I am afraid that one day I will come home and my laptop will have been duct taped to a streetlight as I, ahem, may have done to my sister once upon a time.
(What?! I let her go eventually.)
They think they are the rightful occupants of my lap, not that thing which is clearly not a cat. One of them in particular, (we’ll call him “Fluffy” to protect the not-so-innocent) perceives my keystrokes as petting and chin scratching of which he should be receiving. Whenever I am working on my laptop, Fluffy sits next to my chair and glares balefully at the intruder of his space (as he is literally doing right now as I write this).
Fluffy has attempted to camp out on my lap even when I’m using my computer, but as we know, two objects cannot occupy the same space at one time, and he gets unceremoniously shoved onto the floor. I’ve reminded him that in this house, we obey the laws of physics, but he’s a cat. He doesn’t care.
Holstein—oops, I mean Fluffy just hissed at the laptop. It’s not the first time. The laptop is unperturbed when he does this.
Fluffy glares with a vengeance, though. You can just see the feline vitriol shooting through his gaze and if looks could kill, the laptop would have a virus. (Then I imagine that my cat would assume a smug look worthy of Jeff Goldblum and manage to think the words “The package has been delivered.” Then maybe that non-feline metal bastard would care.)
Fluffy’s brother, “Stupid” (name changed to protect the…well, stupid) does not share as much of his brother’s antipathy towards the metal lap-stealer. Stupid sits and yowls for a minute, then does the feline equivalent of shrugging and wanders over to the food bowl.
You would think that Stupid would bear the brunt of Fluffy’s familial attacks, but I don’t call them the Brothers Dim for nothing. Stupid is spared Fluffy attacks and the laptop is mercilessly glared at and taunted. (“Your mother was a hamster and your father smelt of elderberries!”)
I have considered doing what any frazzled mother who is tired of fighting children does: forcing Fluffy, Stupid, and my computer to hug and yell at them “You are all going to LOVE each other!”
Don’t worry, I haven’t done that. The cats would just glare at me and the computer doesn’t have arms with which to hug.
I have an older brother and a younger sister so I am no stranger to sibling fighting. It’s a part of life when you have siblings – knuckle punches, Hertz donuts, Smurf bites, Indian burns, the dreaded Rear Admiral, tattling, ganging up on each other, you name it. But you grow out of it, hopefully none the worse for the wear, and with a healthy respect for your older sibling – who now that he is a COP, has a whole new arsenal of weapons to potentially use against me.
That being said, I am afraid that one day I will come home and my laptop will have been duct taped to a streetlight as I, ahem, may have done to my sister once upon a time.
(What?! I let her go eventually.)
Friday, January 2, 2009
It was all a dream...
Have you ever had a dream that you just hated to wake up from? I did, the other night. I almost cried when I woke up and realized that it wasn’t real, it was that great. It was such a fantastic dream and it was basically an affirmation of everything that I’ve ever wanted out of life and when I realized I haven’t gotten it; well, honestly, I was rather depressed. (Let’s take a moment to do a sad face for Melodye.)
So, in order to keep myself from getting too maudlin and self-pitying about the dream, I started thinking about dreams and what they mean. I am not a fan of Freud (I do NOT have penis envy), but his theories regarding dreams being forms of wish-fulfillment got me thinking:
Is my unconscious trying to solve a problem that my conscious won’t let me think about? Is there something preventing me from fulfilling my goals that I’m preventing my conscious from thinking about and thus from solving the problem? Am I preventing myself from getting everything I’ve wanted??
If I am somehow preventing myself from getting everything I want (and, no, I’m not talking about the new bags from Prada or the entire line of Jimmy Choos), how am I doing that? Do I have too much pride? Is there some area I need to improve in? (Quite possibly.) Am I too afraid to put myself out there and see what happens? (yeah…)
I dream in vivid color and my dreams are remarkably clear. I can tell you everything that went down in this dream and minor details about everyone involved. I can even tell you what MUSIC was playing in my dream. (It was Placebo and The Killers, if you must know.)
Sometimes my dreams can be really creepy in that I’ll dream something and then it will happen later. I’m not saying I have prophetic dreams a la Buffy the Vampire Slayer, but more than a few dreams of mine have come true. Quite a lot of them have, actually, and it’s very disconcerting.
So is this dream of mine going to be one of the ones that come true? Or is my unconscious mocking me? Is this just a case of wish-fulfillment and that’s all that will come of this particular dream?
Is a dream, as Cinderella says, really a wish that your heart makes? Or is it more like what Mulder said on the X-Files: a dream is an answer to a problem you haven’t figured out how to ask yet? Or is it all just the ramblings of a sleeping mind and dreams don’t mean a gosh darn thing?
I’ll end with a part of this song by one of my favorite bands, The Smiths. (They are both amazingly fantastic and fantastically amazing.)
Last night I dreamt
That somebody loved me
No hope, no harm
Just another false alarm
Last night I felt
Real arms around me
No hope, no harm
Just another false alarm
So, tell me how long
Before the last one ?
And tell me how long
Before the right one ?
The story is old - I know
But it goes on
- The Smiths
May all your dreams be clear, colorful, and come true.
So, in order to keep myself from getting too maudlin and self-pitying about the dream, I started thinking about dreams and what they mean. I am not a fan of Freud (I do NOT have penis envy), but his theories regarding dreams being forms of wish-fulfillment got me thinking:
Is my unconscious trying to solve a problem that my conscious won’t let me think about? Is there something preventing me from fulfilling my goals that I’m preventing my conscious from thinking about and thus from solving the problem? Am I preventing myself from getting everything I’ve wanted??
If I am somehow preventing myself from getting everything I want (and, no, I’m not talking about the new bags from Prada or the entire line of Jimmy Choos), how am I doing that? Do I have too much pride? Is there some area I need to improve in? (Quite possibly.) Am I too afraid to put myself out there and see what happens? (yeah…)
I dream in vivid color and my dreams are remarkably clear. I can tell you everything that went down in this dream and minor details about everyone involved. I can even tell you what MUSIC was playing in my dream. (It was Placebo and The Killers, if you must know.)
Sometimes my dreams can be really creepy in that I’ll dream something and then it will happen later. I’m not saying I have prophetic dreams a la Buffy the Vampire Slayer, but more than a few dreams of mine have come true. Quite a lot of them have, actually, and it’s very disconcerting.
So is this dream of mine going to be one of the ones that come true? Or is my unconscious mocking me? Is this just a case of wish-fulfillment and that’s all that will come of this particular dream?
Is a dream, as Cinderella says, really a wish that your heart makes? Or is it more like what Mulder said on the X-Files: a dream is an answer to a problem you haven’t figured out how to ask yet? Or is it all just the ramblings of a sleeping mind and dreams don’t mean a gosh darn thing?
I’ll end with a part of this song by one of my favorite bands, The Smiths. (They are both amazingly fantastic and fantastically amazing.)
Last night I dreamt
That somebody loved me
No hope, no harm
Just another false alarm
Last night I felt
Real arms around me
No hope, no harm
Just another false alarm
So, tell me how long
Before the last one ?
And tell me how long
Before the right one ?
The story is old - I know
But it goes on
- The Smiths
May all your dreams be clear, colorful, and come true.
Thursday, January 1, 2009
My New Year's Resolutions
It’s that time of year again: time for New Year’s resolutions. Sure, there is the clichéd I’m going to lose weight; I’m going to eat healthier; I’m going to clean out that closet; in short, I’m going to make SOME sort of change in my life so I can be happier. And sure, those are on my list. But I’m also going to try for some more. We all know that no one really keeps their resolutions past January (in some cases, past 12:01 on January 1st) but I’m going to REALLY try this year.
So strap in, strap out, or strap on, but here we go:
1. I’m going to text less. I text A LOT. Damn you Sprint for giving me unlimited texting for $2.50 a month. I rely on texting way too much. I’m going to make more calls. I hope people don’t ignore my calls…
2. I’m going to study more. While I remain proud of getting an A in a literature class while doing less than half of the required reading (can we say MAD writing skills?!), now that I’m getting into the upper division (read: harder) classes, I’ve got to buckle down. I can’t coast on my writing skills anymore, especially in Environmental Economics. Yikes.
3. I’m going to be less “scary”. But first someone needs to tell me exactly how and why I’m scary/intimidating. So I need some help with this one. I’m tired of people telling me that I’m scary and intimidating. Although, I’m not sure if I totally want to give that up. Maybe figuring out how to turn it on and off should be my resolution…
4. Going off the previous one: I’m going to make more of an effort and talk to people at church, activities, dances, whatever. I need to get to know more people.
5. I’m going to read my scriptures, improve church attendance, and (gasp) actually participate in Relief Society.
6. I’m going to move on. I’m not going to wait anymore – I can’t.
So there are my New Year’s resolutions. I don’t think they’re too difficult. I think I can do it. And I think I’ll be happier if I can do it. Because I’m not happy and I need to do something about it.
Oops. I just had Almond M&Ms for dinner… Can I have a redo??
So strap in, strap out, or strap on, but here we go:
1. I’m going to text less. I text A LOT. Damn you Sprint for giving me unlimited texting for $2.50 a month. I rely on texting way too much. I’m going to make more calls. I hope people don’t ignore my calls…
2. I’m going to study more. While I remain proud of getting an A in a literature class while doing less than half of the required reading (can we say MAD writing skills?!), now that I’m getting into the upper division (read: harder) classes, I’ve got to buckle down. I can’t coast on my writing skills anymore, especially in Environmental Economics. Yikes.
3. I’m going to be less “scary”. But first someone needs to tell me exactly how and why I’m scary/intimidating. So I need some help with this one. I’m tired of people telling me that I’m scary and intimidating. Although, I’m not sure if I totally want to give that up. Maybe figuring out how to turn it on and off should be my resolution…
4. Going off the previous one: I’m going to make more of an effort and talk to people at church, activities, dances, whatever. I need to get to know more people.
5. I’m going to read my scriptures, improve church attendance, and (gasp) actually participate in Relief Society.
6. I’m going to move on. I’m not going to wait anymore – I can’t.
So there are my New Year’s resolutions. I don’t think they’re too difficult. I think I can do it. And I think I’ll be happier if I can do it. Because I’m not happy and I need to do something about it.
Oops. I just had Almond M&Ms for dinner… Can I have a redo??
My current favorite poem
My current favorite poem is i carry your heart with me, by ee cummings. I know it’s a random thing to have a current favorite poem. Most people have current favorite songs, foods, or whatever, but you should know by now that I’m kind of random. Kind of a LOT random. So here is my current favorite poem:
i carry your heart with me
i carry your heart with me(i carry it in
my heart)i am never without it(anywhere
i go you go,my dear; and whatever is done
by only me is your doing,my darling)
i fear
no fate(for you are my fate,my sweet)i want
no world(for beautiful you are my world,my true)
and it's you are whatever a moon has always meant
and whatever a sun will always sing is you
here is the deepest secret nobody knows
(here is the root of the root and the bud of the bud
and the sky of the sky of a tree called life;which grows
higher than the soul can hope or mind can hide)
and this is the wonder that's keeping the stars apart
i carry your heart(i carry it in my heart)
ee cummings’ words are beautiful. I’m not going to deconstruct or analyze it here because that’s not the point of this post. I’m just going to say again that I have mad love for this poem.
Kind of a boring post, I know. But I’m not sorry.
*Note: I am in no way claiming ownership to this or any other of ee cummings’ works. I am just using this here to express my appreciation for the poem.
i carry your heart with me
i carry your heart with me(i carry it in
my heart)i am never without it(anywhere
i go you go,my dear; and whatever is done
by only me is your doing,my darling)
i fear
no fate(for you are my fate,my sweet)i want
no world(for beautiful you are my world,my true)
and it's you are whatever a moon has always meant
and whatever a sun will always sing is you
here is the deepest secret nobody knows
(here is the root of the root and the bud of the bud
and the sky of the sky of a tree called life;which grows
higher than the soul can hope or mind can hide)
and this is the wonder that's keeping the stars apart
i carry your heart(i carry it in my heart)
ee cummings’ words are beautiful. I’m not going to deconstruct or analyze it here because that’s not the point of this post. I’m just going to say again that I have mad love for this poem.
Kind of a boring post, I know. But I’m not sorry.
*Note: I am in no way claiming ownership to this or any other of ee cummings’ works. I am just using this here to express my appreciation for the poem.
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