Thursday, September 6, 2007


So I thought I'd graduate from ye old myspace blog and go to a grown-up blog. Kind of like starting out on baby food and then growing up to adult food. hehe

I'm currently attending UNLV at nights and working during the days. I don't really like either of those. I'd rather sleep during the day and party at night. Or something like that.

Anyway, now that I have you captive, I'm going to subject you to my deepest, darkest, richest and creamiest thoughts. Speaking of rich and creamy, I don't know why I named my blog that. I was casting about, thinking of what I could possibly name my blog. Just as I was about to name it something lame like "From the Mind of Mel", I saw the words "Slow Churned Rich and Creamy" on my popsicle stick after I finished my cookies & cream ice cream on a stick. Voila! Funny! Creamy! Rich! Wooooo! How do I love me? Let me count the ways.

Over that.

Just some thoughts before I get ready for bed or whatever. (It is a weeknight and I have been late to work every day for the past...year. Oops.)

It's the beginning of September, and while it's still 101 degrees out, I can feel the change in the air. Stop laughing, I do. Where did the year go? I swear it was just January and I was resuming school after a semester break. I was going to get A's in both of my classes. I was going to get back into shape, get back into my four days a week gym schedule. I was going to (attempt) to date more, be more friendly, be good to the poor, clean my room once in a while, and go to Europe.

Well, that got shot to hell. Although, I did go on some dates with two, count them TWO, guys and even kissed one of them, so I guess that counts for something. I didn't get back into my workout schedule, I can't remember the last time I cleaned my room, and I didn't get A's in my classes. However, a friend said that I was pleasant to be around, and while I can't quite believe it, another friend confirmed that first friend did say that and there was no sarcasm involved.

I just interrupted my blogging (which, even I have to say, is kind of boring at this point) to eat a piece of my birthday cake. You were a good cake, Clyde. Never should have named you.

I'm going to go now. I promise next post will be more interesting. No really, I do promise. What, you don't believe me? I don't know why you hate me. I'm so delightful.

Okay, no really, I'm leaving. No, this is my blog. You leave. But you're coming back right? Please?

I'm delirious. I'm out.


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