Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Things I'm Grateful For

It’s been a long time since I’ve posted anything. Sorry. I blame life’s propensity for speeding up and then before you know it, the year is ending again.

So in the spirit of the season, and to prevent my inner Grinch from taking over, I’ve decided to make a list of things I am grateful for.

Aaaaand we’re off!

I’m grateful…

…to Heavenly Father and Jesus for all of my blessings.
…for my family and friends.
…for my church and my faith.
…for Riley, Karlie, and Sadie G.
…that Sadie G’s kidney problem is resolving itself.
…that I have a job – even though sometimes I don’t like it.
…for all of the opportunities I’ve had.
…for second, third, fourth, and fifth chances.
…that I was able to move out of my parents’ house this year.
…for friends that indulge me in my strange whims, ideas, grandiose plans, and overall weirdness.
…that I’m one year closer to paying off my car.
…that I’m getting closer to completing my B.A.
…for freedom and those who fight to preserve it.
…for chocolate, cookies, pastries, and candy.
…for gym memberships.
…that vinyl records are coming back.
…for puppies, kittens, and little baby bunnies.
…for Beatles Rock Band.
…for my hairstylist who is also my friend.
…for long hot showers on cold mornings.
…that I can go into five different grocery stores and have thousands of choices of what to eat.
…for loud rock concerts that leave my ears ringing for days.
…for pretty dresses, sexy high heels, jewelry, and purses.
…for all of the bands I like to listen to.
…for books, iPods, and Blackberries.
...for DVR, Wikipedia, and footrests.
…for heating and air conditioning.
…for Christmas trees, lights, and presents.
…for fireworks, swimming pools, and barbecues.
…for candles, ceiling fans, and flowers.

I’m grateful for so many things; these are just some of them. I hope you all take time to remember what you have instead of focusing on what you don’t have.

Have a merry Christmas, a Happy Hanukkah, a Kwazy Kwanzaa, a Tip-Top Tet, and a solemn and eventful Ramadan!

God bless and 84,000 blessings to y’all.


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